Jemima was a regular teenager; until all of a sudden, she wasn’t…
You see, you can’t have a heroine, without an extraordinary tragedy — and DIPG is just that.
Anything in double quotation marks is from, or said by Jemima, as close to verbatim as my memory allows. They’re her words. I’ve included them because her voice is active in the work we continue in her stead.
This site is centred around our personal experience with Jemima and her particular case of DIPG. To be clear, it’s a sample size of ONE. We are her parents; not doctors, or people of medicine or science. While I felt like I became an armchair oncologist this year, I concede calling myself that title is an insult to doctors. But also acknowledge there is an enormous amount of parental hustling for (experimental and desperately needed) treatments for most kids with DIPG.